India is a country with tradition, culture and great history. It is amazing that this country has always possessed valuable knowledge about all aspects of life. This helped India to explore its talents in each of these areas such as VASTU SHASTRA, Engineering, JYOTISHA of Astrology, VRUKSHAYUVEDA, Agriculture, MRUGAYURVEDA, Veterinary Medicine, SANGEETHA SASTHRA, Classical Music, NRUTHYA SASTHRA, Classical Dance, DHANURVEDA , martial arts, STHAPATHYAVEDA, architecture, AYURVEDA, the healing arts, etc.
Ayurveda has developed in remarkable ways over the centuries to compete with the modern world. After five and a half years of studying at the Medical University, an Ayurvedic doctor is now receiving his state-recognized BAMS (Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicines & Surgery) Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery.
Then, after a further three years of study, the specialist (MD) can be taken in one of the various specialist areas. In most places in India there is at least one state Ayurveda hospital, as well as various private Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals.
In some hospitals, Ayurvedic doctors and orthodox doctors work closely together. The Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry is a big business in India. Hundreds of drug companies across the country use the most advanced technology. This helps the country to produce natural and herbal medicine in a scientific way while maintaining its classic and traditional form.
Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems in the world, which originated in India 5000 years ago. The name Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words, (Sanskrit is the mother of all Indian
languages) AYUS and VEDA. AYUS means life and VEDA means science or knowledge. So the word Ayurveda means: "Science about life" or "Knowledge about life". Ayurveda has its origin in the VEDAS
(Holy Scriptures), which combine physical, psychological and spiritual therapies. India is a country with tradition, culture and great history. It is amazing that this country has always
possessed valuable knowledge about all aspects of life.
This helped India to explore its talents in each of these areas such as VASTU SHASTRA, Engineering, JYOTISHA of Astrology, VRUKSHAYUVEDA, Agriculture, MRUGAYURVEDA, Veterinary Medicine, SANGEETHA
SASTHRA, Classical Music, NRUTHYA SASTHRA, Classical Dance, DHANURVEDA , martial arts, STHAPATHYAVEDA, architecture, AYURVEDA, the healing arts, etc.
Ayurveda has developed in remarkable ways over the centuries to compete with the modern world. After five and a half years of studying at the Medical University, an Ayurvedic doctor is now
receiving his state-recognized BAMS (Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicines & Surgery) Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. Then, after a further three years of study, the specialist (MD) can
be taken in one of the various specialist areas.
In most places in India there is at least one state Ayurveda hospital, as well as various private Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals. In some hospitals, Ayurvedic doctors and orthodox doctors work
closely together. The Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry is a big business in India. Hundreds of drug companies across the country use the most advanced technology. This helps the country to
produce natural and herbal medicine in a scientific way while maintaining its classic and traditional form.
Ayurvedic science is based on the five elements theory, i.e. PRITVHI (earth), AP (water), TEJUS (fire), VAYU (air) and AKASHA (ether). Ayurveda teaches us that the whole universe consists of
these five elements, as does the human body, which in turn is very closely connected to mother nature.
From these five elements arise the three fundamental basic elements, the DOSHAS - VATA (air + ether), PITTA (fire + water) and KAPHA (water + earth). The doshas determine the entire physiological
and physiochemical process in the body and can only be recognized by their qualities and actions in the body. When these three doha are in a balanced state and in harmony, health is preserved.
Any change in their equilibrium, e.g. through poor diet or wrong activities, causes illness.
According to Ayurveda, the individual physical and psychological costume is called PRAKRUTI. This "personal blueprint" is determined at conception. The prakruti is influenced by the genes of both
parents as well as by their mental and physical state during conception.
The prakruti develops our own personality, it is unique, which is why no one can have exactly the same prakruti. It will not change throughout life either, since it is fixed from birth. The
prakruti (constitution) of an individual cannot be treated or changed. It's fixed - from birth. The treatment is for Vikruti - the disruption or imbalance of the three Dosha that can cause
various diseases.
You are what you eat, what you think and what you do. The major causative factor of ill health is improper food and food habits. Ayurveda has given a very detailed knowledge about the food and
food habits, which should be adopted.
There are six basic flavors: MADHURA (sweet), AMLA (sour), LAVANA (salty), TIKTA (bitter), USHNA (spicy) and KASHAYA (astringent). Inappropriate use of these flavors will affect the doshas,
causing imbalance and illness.
The flavors are again in close contact with the five elements.
Dr. Phil Syal Kumar
Institut für Naturheilkunde, Traditionelle Chinesische und Indische Medizin
Evang. Kliniken Essen-Mitte
Erich Rothenfußer-Haus
Am Deimelsberg 34a
45276 Essen, Germany